We are the ​culture.

We set the ​tone.

we represent the voices unheard.

Who We Are

Young Content Creators mission is to create pathways to ​jobs in the arts by building youth skill sets in the digital ​media space.

our vision

our over all vision is to create safe spaces for young people and ​Connect them to their interests through careeer exploration ​activities, content creation and monetization.

What WE do...

How we do it...

Young Content Creators ​eliminates barriers to ​accessing 21st century ​technology by partnering ​with Schools, communities and ​institutions to build studios ​for young People.

ycc pROVIDES ​OPPORTUNITIES FOR ​EXPLORATION within the ​Media arts and ​Entertainment industries ​via project based ​learning, internships and ​Support students in ​building a portfolio to ​highlight their skillsets.

"Turning Passion Into opportunity"

combating The Challenge

3 out of 10 StuDents Chronically Absent

School communities across Memphis,Tn. are experiencing increasing levels of chronic student abseenteeism. According to research, programming that incorporates student interest and hands-on real-world problem based learning opportunities, such as the programming offered by YCC engages youth at higher levels.

TN TVAAS LEvel 1 out of 5

Student engagement has a ​demonstrated positive ​effect on student ​achievement outcomes. ​Currently students across ​Memphis are experiencing ​the worst educational ​outcomes as evidenced by ​end of year assessment data.

YCC works to engage youth ​by providing them with a ​fresh perspective on their ​school day experience and ​builds upon their academic ​foundation to support them ​in realizing the importance ​of education for their ​future career success.

1 out of 4 students in Memphis Live in Poverty

The overall poverty rate in Memphis is 25%, which is the highest rate in the nation for cities with more than one million people. This rate is tripled for Black families.

YCC is poised to not only re-engage disengaged youth, but help fight racism and poverty through workforce development and career exploration for youth

Program ​Pathways

Curriculum Overview

Music Production

Broadcasting and ​Journalism

Digital Design

Video Production


Drone Certification

Pro-Tools Certification

How It works

Number 1
Number 2

Determining Success and ​Program Outcomes

Aligning ​Interests

Interested schools can partner with Young Content Creators to create in-school or after-school programming focused on teaching students skills in digital media and entertainment pathways based on student interests.

we Work with school leadership to ​determine the quantitative and ​qualitative Such as Chronic absenteeism, ​Behavior, aligned skills development ​outcome as a result of the program

Number 3


Our approach to implementation of the program scope and sequence will be based upon exploratory units of study. Each unit is project based and inclusive of learning excursions, hands on experiences with industry experts and industry standard technology, metacognition and experience debriefing.

Number 4

Program Evaluation & ​Feedback

Our approach to implementation of the program scope and sequence will be based upon exploratory units of study. Each unit is project based and inclusive of learning excursions, hands on experiences with industry experts and industry standard technology, metacognition and experience debriefing.

phase 4: ​PortFolio and ​Final Work.

Phase 4, the program ​concludes with full ​student ownership ​and choice over their ​final work products. ​Students can choose ​from 2 options:

  1. Producing a Live ​event.
  2. Creating a suite of ​digital media ​assets.

The Student Experience

Phase 3:

applied ​Learning

Phase 3, students have increased ownership of their learning and begin to apply their skills across more career specific and individualized projects.

Phase 3 builds upon the learning in unit 2 and leverages guidance from invited industry experts to support project development.

Phase 1:

NorMs ANd ​Introductions

Phase 1, Students ​establish working ​norms and program ​staff introduce the ​program purpose.

By the end of Phase 1, ​students will have ​selected their program ​pathway.

Phase 2:

SKILL DEvelopment

In Phase 2, students will experience team based projects that allow them to develop skills in a variety of areas.

Regardless of their selected pathway, students will have exposure to all career paths to increase their understanding of the interconnected nature of roles across the digital media space.

In-School Program

After-School Program


The Young Content

Creators In School

Program is a customized

initiative strategically

crafted to integrate

immersive STEMfocused

media arts

education directly into

the school environment,

fostering hands-on

learning experiences.

The Young Content

Creators After School

Program is a dynamic

STEM-centric initiative

aimed at offering youths

opportunities to explore

and enhance their

proficiencies in diverse

media arts disciplines

beyond traditional school


The Young Content

Creators program offers

Drone and/or Adobe Pro

Tools certification,

equipping program

participants with

cutting-edge skills for

the evolving digital


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